Birthday XXXpecial - 3/22 to 3/26

Like always, I will be offering a whole week of reduced rates to celebrate my birthday.
I picked Mt Laurel for the special because this way I can also do few doubles with Karla as part of my special.
Because is one week from now, I'm only booking thru mail, so please make sure you put "birthday special" on the subject line.
I'm not forgetting central jersey guys, I might offer another special after Easter, few days full of doubles with special rates at my exit 8 location.




Go ahead. Try me.
Happy Anniversary to me...

Last year, Betty's Birthday Special was my first hobbying experience.

What a year!!!

Thanks Betty. Happy Birthday!!!

Muito obrigado voce e um docinho de coco (lol let's see if you can figure this one out)


like the Virginia Slims ad says, you cummed a looooong way baby!!!
