Bad night for the Tea Baggers

Tea Baggers in VA and Alabama both lost yesterday. Gov. Fatso, the non tea bagger in NJ, won. I think when all is said and done, we will look back at the gov't shutdown as the beginning of the end of the Tea Baggers.

Next year Charlie Crist will unseat the tea bagger in Florida, and I expect gains in the House by the Dem's, as long as Obamacare is working, which I think it will be.

and I am looking forward to the civil war in the GOP as Christie tries to run for President as a centrist willing to compromise, even though he really isn't.
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and I am looking forward to the civil war in the GOP as Christie tries to run for President as a centrist willing to compromise, even though he really isn't.
I can hardly wait for the bloodbath.
The baggers will never forgive Christie for playing kissie face with Obama after the hurricane.
It should be SOOOOO much fun.
You guys are nuts! Obamacare is a complete failure!! Wait till people get more and more screwed. Democrats are going to lose seats left and right.

I like Christie. I actually like him a lot. He will force fiscal restraint and I probably agree with him on most things. He is a conservative but he is certainly not divisive. He will work with democrats. Barry has shown he won't work with anyone. He is the most divisive president in my lifetime.

I get what the Tea Party wants and I have no problem with the government shutdown. There should be a fight on all fronts to prevent Obama from doing anything domestically. He is a complete incompetent and really has no business being president.

Bottom line he is trying to make as many people dependent on govt as possible to secure their votes. However ... many of these degenrates are too lazy to work and also makes them too lazy to vote.

That is a reason why Mangano won on Long Island. registered Democrats outnumber registered Republicans by a large margin ... but Republicans are generally the people who work and are not lazy. That means they will go out and vote. Democrats ... did not vote. Hence Mangano wins. BUT .... Nassau county executives can't give you welfare/food stamps/cell phones or healthcare ... so less motivation for the lazy democrats. They will be slightly more motivated to vote for the President. I always pray for bad weather .... lazy people won't go out in the rain to vote for president!!!

I hope that is a trend.

I don't think so though. I think stealing from the rich and giving to the poor like Obama does will buy so many votes that we may be doomed.

I have faith in Christie though. I think once he debates any democrat he will demolish them. He is VERY good on his feet. Hillary isn't very good. She comes across as a hysterical woman to me. Her testimony on Benghazi was frighteningly bad.
Steve, aka LIDickMorris, we've already seen your political prognostications so to read what you just wrote makes me that much more confident going forward.

Obamacare is a complete failure? Really now? The web site problems, while unacceptable, will get fixed. But what about pre-web site? Like since 2010 when parents are able to keep their kids on their plan until age 26. A failure? What about the coverage for women's contraception, mammograms, etc? Failure? There have already been numerous cases cited publicly of Americans who now have coverage and/or better coverage with Obamacare. This will only continue. And good luck to ANY politician who will run on a platform of "I'm now taking away the coverage you just got".

you also seem to be very confused. You like the Tea Baggers, yet you also like Christie. You clearly are struggling with your ideological identity. I listened to Rush and Hannity yesterday. They both spent a good portion of their show ripping Christie. I didn't hear Baldie Levin, but I read that he did, too. Do you not understand that these radio gasbags are who runs your party?
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The Tea Baggers will try to destroy Christie, undoubtedly. The blood will be flowing wherever the Pubs convention is in 2016. Marcus and I will sit back and chuckle as the Dems win the Presidency again.
If Christie is nominated the baggers won't vote for him, that is a lock Anyone who thinks that they will is a fool. They are not pragmatists who will think Christie is better than Hillary or Joe. They will say to themselves "they did not want to play with me, so I won't play with their guy."
Republican suicide.
I have to admit I admire the way Democrats win elections. They are indeed crafty and Machiavellian. They know how to use a biased media that's in their pocket to their advantage and spread falsehoods and they finance a phoney Libertarian gubernatorial candidate to siphon conservative votes from Cuccinelli. This was all brilliantly done yet the election was still close.

But who outside of Virginia cares about their governorship. I'm more interested in their Senators and Congressman as they can effect me. And there, there is hope. In the Virginia House of Delegates, with all 100 seats up for re-election, the GOP won big 67 to 32 with a total of nearly 1.1 million votes, compared to slightly more than 810,000 votes for Democrats. Hopefully this is a precursor to the 2014 elections. So with that being said, it might actually had been a bad night for Democrats.
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You are right Stu ... Dems know how to win., It is at the price or losing our country ... but they do win. HOWEVER ... that may come to an end. Barry is such a lying sack of shit that the media may actually be turnign on him. He was caught in a complete lie ... yet he won't back down. YOu have to admire the balls on the guy. It has worked well up to now. Most of his base really don't care that he lied. They would vote for him if they had video of him raping a 4 year old boy! Heck they voted Marion Barry in AFTER his crack conviction!!!
nice spin, boys! Waa waa waa, it's the media's fault! That is such a sorry, old and lame excuse.
I'm just kicking back, popping open a cold one, and enjoying the civil war.
So typical, they have to blame someone, they cannot place the blame where it actually belongs by admitting they have shitty candidates.
Cucci was a 19th Century Neanderthal, don't you Baggers know that.
yup, and, truth be told, McAuliffe was also a lousy candidate. But they couldn't even beat him, which says a lot.
If none of the above had been on the VA ballot , then it would have won.
Only a flaming right wing zealot like Cucc could have lost to McAuliffe who is no prize. The country is wising up to the Tea Baggers.
When they put up idiots like Palin, Cruz (only Texas and Utah could have elected him) Cucc and other fanatics then Americans can see them for what they are.
Democrats win because the Teapublicans alienate half the voting population with oppressive laws. Unless they bring back suffrage they will never win outside their gerrymandered districts full of Jesus freaks, racists and inbreds. It has nothing to with Democrats being crafty, all they have to do is put a camera and microphone in front of Teapublicans and they do all the work. They are misogynistic sex obsessed fetus fetishist that give normal people as well as women the creeps. Normal guys don't like these gray faced perverts talking about women with such perversion either so it's not that women that find them repulsive. I've read less freaky stuff in the alternate section of this board then I've heard on a conservative talk show. They don't believe women are human beings but only meant to be sexual objects, broodmares or servants and there isn't enough word smithing in the world that can make people think they just keep misspeaking. Even innocent topics are twisted into something sexual when a conservative is given a microphone. You know John McCain and other moderates are creeped out by them too.
You will all either lose the senate and the presidency within the next 4 years ..... or you will be crying as the country goes into the shitter due to horrendous democratic policies.

How has the country been doing the last 5 years??

$17 TRILLION in debt. Roll that around for a while.

Yeah Democrats!!!! $17 trillion in debt and 50 million americans on food stamps and that shit bag president runs commercials to get MORE people on social services.

You really have NOTHING to be happy about.

Question .... you guys get your Obamacare yet?