Backpage CentralJersey - Europe & Specials

Come across ads in Backpage CentralJersey, various heading with the words Europe/European and Specials. Number in the ads: 347-3725481.
Googled the number shows that it's an agency. Ads lists various name.
Example of 1 of the ad: http://centraljersey.************/FemaleEscorts/european-goddess-specials-21/6594545
called and was quoted 1.2 for hh and 1.8 for h. Was told to go to the loacation and called from parking lot. Got to the parking lot , called and no answer for 10 minutes. Tried again, was told to wait for 20 min. 20 min later, called and no answer, then called in 5 and was told would be back in 5, another 20 min later, no one picked up anymore. left frustrated. Why couldn't they have the courtesy to say that they were fully booked?