Any info on Holly Bunny

A while back (Feb) this really hot looking busty blonde by the name of "Holly Bunny" posted an ad in the classified section. She has a web site and all but I lost the link and her ad is no longer there.
Anyway she looked too good to be true IMO. She is note reviewed anywhere but has anyone seen her?
If not I'd be willing to volunteer but i need to find her info again.
Originally posted by Ozzy
crying game.........
a really good movie, in terms of showing one man's personal relationship with 'the troubles'.

but, what did his s.o. being a pre-op ts have to do with anything? was she/he supposed to be emblematic of the choice that has to be made to either try to 'mainstream', or remain a separate '3rd-way'? work within the system -- or try to bring it down?

if so, i think that's really stretching a metaphor beyond the breaking point.

You're kidding

You guys have to go back earlier
than Feb 2001. I was the first to
post on Heather (Holly Bunny). I
took the chance and met with her and
gave a detailed report. Search for it!