Anonymous review

Before I offend the entire board - am I allowed to post a review without mentioning the girl's name? She requested I not mention her name.
While i share critical comments made by others about usefulness of anonymous review, i suppose you could post whatever you like...though i think you could still honor her request for anonymity but satisfy our lust for info by including helpful info like phone number or usual title for her ad on craigslist (if applicable).

Posting an anonymous review with no useful contact info is irrelevant. Nobody gives a shit about what a great ride you had unless they're invited to ride along sometime.
What's wrong with posting a review and omitting the girl's name. . . as
long as there is some relevant contact information? I understand some of us
may want more information, but there are many of us that don't mind a little
mystery with the chase. And if it's a new place, and the service was good -
that may portend good things in general for that particular establishment.
Let's say Firecracker posts his review, and it is favorable, and it is a new
place with contact info. You go and have a great time, finding a new spot,
and a new girl - whichever girl it is. Or is it better for him to shut up and
say nothing, in which case NO ONE gets the benefit of his experience?
Post it already...

those who like to break balls...will

those who don't....won't.

Some of us may find value in your open mind can be a wonderful aid to learning.
Posting a review without the lady's name but with contact info is just like posting her name. Only an idiot would think otherwise.
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If the review has a story to tell with a purpose which might be educational in a general sense, it can be worthwhile even without knowing the specific girl. For example, there's a thread in teh Philly section about a guy who thinks that somehow his massage girl manipulated the clock on the night stand to short his hour.
Can you post a review without name?

Rules for posting 12.1(b)

You can post anything you want as long as you don't piss off the moderator. Names may therefore be withheld especially when reviewing his UTR.