Open season for college girls on SA (or tall tales from doughy nerds)

The girl might be nuts lol. Never met her, texted her a few weeks ago, she'll randomly texts me: "I'm at Roosevelt Field, come meet me here", which I was actually willing to do, but when I tried to lock down where in Roosevelt field she was, she went totally silent. .
She just tried this with me, after on Wednesday she specifically told me she doesn't think she's looking for an arrangement anymore... So I said what we gonna do after coffee? She said what do u mean after coffee? Then we started getting at it.. definitely burned that bridge
Anyone know $$joicysquat$$?
Seems like her English is pretty bad from her messages. One msg said "to go out with me you have to pay, are you willing? if you hang out with me you have a chance to have sex with me!" Lol I was dying. I was playing along then she asked if I knew how to invest in Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies... To keep playing I said Yeah why? Didn't hear back yet
Why are females asking for dinner all of a sudden? I have 4 lined up and they're like "Have dinner first then we can have fun"
You do realize this whole scene goes both ways, right? Do you know how many girls are on there just to get free meals? Hell, even on dating apps, girls will talk about how they often use it to get free meals every day and will only sleep with the guy if he happens to be incredibly good looking (guys post tons of pics that make them look better than they actually do as well, not just girls). Same with this app, but worse. Girls have their own websites, much like this one, that gleefully talk about losers who are willing to pay just for them to flirt or give them hope of sleeping with them without actually having to do it. They talk about tactics in ways to get dopes to fork over money to pay for their college tuition. So, as I stated before, the chances of you actually landing a good looking girl on there are slim to none. More than likely, if they’re openly sharing their face and skimpy outfits, they’re cat fishing morons who will take them to dinner and/or pay just to meet and then leave them with blue balls while laughing their way to the bank.

Just keeping it real.
They must have their own forum too, bc it seems like they're all switching to this first date crap
Yes. I was thinking the same shit. I had one chic last week that wanted me to meet her for Foid and drinks in Farmingdale and one that wants to meet tomorrow for lunch. They probably thinks 1st date like that makws them look and feel less of a hoe lol.
Yes. I was thinking the same shit. I had one chic last week that wanted me to meet her for Foid and drinks in Farmingdale and one that wants to meet tomorrow for lunch. They probably thinks 1st date like that makws them look and feel less of a hoe lol.
That Tanya chick told me she was gonna tell all her girls on the site to block me after we got in a text battle. I said aw that's cute you have a lil hoe circle..
They must have their own forum too, bc it seems like they're all switching to this first date crap
That's why I dont like when forums have the rule against criticizing other members for what they pay. These girls are the desperate ones, not us. I can just jerk off and have a sandwich, wondering why I was going to waste my money on some uptight bitch. I can think of maybe 2 girls in 11 years of doing this who I genuinely wanted to keep fucking right after I shot my load, thus rendering my masturbation and sandwich technique fruitless.

Have to stick to $300 at the most. Hold the line.
No i was replying to Golds message saying "been there done that", asking him if he had a review for her
I'll be honest with you bro. Yes ive seen her and had her. But i cant hardly trust to put a review here because there is some little bitch ass dude acting worse than a female and contacting these girls and telling them about this site and trying to throw me under the bus, for what exact reason i don't know but that's a reason why i kinda stopped putting review's, once in a while ill throw some info here and there but i won't get into specific reviews. So thank who ever this person is!!