You got to read this site.

Some assorted posts:

Help, I think the man I have lived with for four years is either cheating or thinking about cheating. He is going to his high school reunion, "I never go" I checked his suitcase that he packed and found three viagras. We are going to get married on June 9. I feel I want to marry the bastard . he is very rich and I am 61 with no job or income I feel if I marry him stay a year then get a good lawyer and take him for all he has got. What do you think

Is this the anti UG site? LOL
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Hey there, been lurking here for about a month reading and learning. I wanted my first post to be a review or something, but when I came across this post I had to reply. Not to sound misogynistic, but reading through some of those posts just re-enforces my decision to remain single and just hobby around.
Boxclk it is an interesting site because it allows people to see the 'other" point of view. Those women do not understand how they contributed to their own situations, like to perceive themselves as victems, and the use as role models other disgruntled bitter women.

They never really ask why men cheat (or for that matter women)? Sometimes people are players like a bunch on this board. But other times, women get so busy in their lives, they just feel that have no time for sex and then wonder why their spouses cheat? No one ever asks these same women, do they keep in shape and have sex at a reasonable rate.

A good % of these women are probably very unattractive (let themselves become ugly MILFs) or abstain from sex. They never really get the answers that they really need to keep their men. They just reiterate that the men should accept them unconditionally, and help them with the child rearing responsibilites, their real focus on life. The men become part of the background.
so i went over there and it is for sure a bunch of man haters. for that reason i do not consider it an "anti-UG" becuase we are certainly not women haters. we're just not.

I am considering getting an account over there and defending our half of the species.
I came across the most obvious shill while i was there. Some guy obviously got a handle and then posted the following review about himself. (they review guys there,,, just type in your town) Ill never believe it was an ex that wrote this.

"uy Details for James Stewart Corne

Number of Times Viewed: 101
I went to this site and was appalled at all the bad guys there are out there, wowzers! Watch out ladies! Yet more then anything, I became mad at myself for letting the good guys I've found in life go... The truth is, we girls don't fight for the guy we really want in life. I know with myself, like if i'm with a solid guy, I sorta start to expect that he'll make the effort to keep things together. That even if i screw up, he'll come back to me, you know? But what I've relized from looking through this site (which i really appreciate by the way) is that most of the time i just stick with whoever I'm with, good or bad, and even if i see a good guy or know a good guy in my life, i dont fight for him. I expect him to come to me. well that day is done i figure now... i'm gotta start going for the healthy realtionships, not BORING ones, but healthy guys, ones that make me feel good not bad. Cuz one day i'm gonna get married and whoa! don't want that to be with just whatever negative guy I'm with at the time, u know? Well this brings me to James... He was the last serious guy i dated and I realize now, he was a great catch. I mean this guy worked out like WHOA, had the hottest body. He was smart, made like perfect grades. James was ambitious, career focused, yet always managed his time so that we could spend time together. It was amazing! And he was so funny! no matter how down i was he could always make me smile. And his penis, whoa:) It was...ummm yeah...yet's just say he's blessed, that's all I'm gonna say! Everytime he put it in me I just came. (he's a guarentee in that department--at least three times.) He was the only guy I've ever just loved to go down on, like all the time. It acutally turned me on if you can believe that. The only time I can say I honestly got angry with him is when he wouldn't let me suck his dick. Or for stupid know. And I just let him go! I mean i cried and pouted to my friends, but never called him or tried to get back together! I just expected he would be back...because he was good and stuff. Boy was I wrong! I screwed up and now i'm stuck with this asshole guy who thinks i'm just dumb. Screw him, I think i'm putting him up next"
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The Asian women have a better understanding of the male animal. They understand a man's basic primal urges and realize that it has to be satisfied. Some asians use this to manipulate their men (as well as their American counterparts) but fully expect their men to stray if this need is not take care of.

These women from this sight only see their primal urges (the need to nest) and expect men to become simply supporting actors in their nest building. When they stray, which is a logical consequence of neglect, the women here veiw their men as Neaderthals and as thoughtless bastards. They just do not get how they contribute to the problems they create. And then othes on this sight reinforce their misguided beliefs.

I too wanted to create an alias, but was afraid that one of these women would be angry enough to figure out how to peirce my secret identity. These women are so clueless that posting how the other side thinks would be a public service.