This just posted on TBD

whenever Howard asks Beetlejuice a question he always starts his answers with "who. me?"


HS:"Beetlejuice could you kick Gary's ass?"
BJ: "who, me?"
BJ: "shore I could kick his ass"
HS: "why do you say that?"
BJ: "who, me?"
HS: "YES! who else am I talking to, Robin??"
Hiya, Amanda!
Yup, that's me! You can still email me at, and if you still have my phone #,you can call me.

I'm doing very, very well. I'm just a board junkie something terrible.

LOL! I wondered if you'd know who I was. Good investigative skills there, and good memory!

One of the advantages of hanging around after you've retired is that you get to act the way you've always wanted to. No more getting "You've got a terrible attitude! I'm never going to see you!" every time you say something that doesn't simper.


(PS: I go by KS because I think of the persona of Kimberly Sweet as being truly gone.)