The Return of the Archons

This masterpiece, "The Return of the Archons," is on BBC America tonight at 8pm EDT.

It reveals the origin of me (Landru).

BBC America is running a Start Trek (TOS) marathon yesterday, today, and tomorrow to celebrate the 50-year anniversary. The first show aired on September 8, 1966.

BBCA is showing the remastered uncut versions, so you may see a scene or two that has normally been cut for commercials. They are still cramming in the commercials, but each show is given a 70 minute time slot rather than the standard 60 minutes.

"They're wonderful. They're the sweetest, friendliest people in the universe. It's paradise, my friend. Paradise."
"Got a place to sleep it off yet? Go round to Reger's house. He's got rooms. But you'll have to hurry. It's almost the Red Hour."
"I know. It's Festival. It's the will of Landru."
"Hacom, these be strangers. The Valley has different ways."
"You mock them! You mock the Lawgivers. And the strangers are not of the Body. You will see."
"There, you see? Not of the body."
"You have come to a world without hate, without fear, without conflict. No war, no disease, no crime. None of the ancient evils. Landru seeks tranquillity. Peace for all. The universal good."
"The good must transcend the evil. It shall be done. So it has been since the beginning."
"Landru! Guide us, Landru!"
Does the origin show the scene from the vip room at the Crystal Cafe where you dropped your sandwich and when you picked it up it was covered in pubes and mayonnaise (or what looked like mayo) ? I didn't see it during the TV run or dvd.
But thanks for the info on the BBC showing.
Does the origin show the scene from the vip room at the Crystal Cafe where you dropped your sandwich and when you picked it up it was covered in pubes and mayonnaise (or what looked like mayo) ? I didn't see it during the TV run or dvd.
But thanks for the info on the BBC showing.
The vip room at the Crystal Cafe is one of my absorption chambers.

Are you not of the Body?

You must be absorbed.
You see? I just absorbed McCoy.

"Hello, friend. We were told to wait here."
"Can I help you, friend?"
"We all know one another and Landru."
"You speak very strangely, friend. Are you from away? "
"Ask Landru. He remembers. He knows and he watches. You are strange. Are you not of the Body?"
"He goes to joy, peace, and tranquillity. He goes to meet Landru. Happiness is to all of us, blessed by Landru."