The Iraqi Document

I was able to read an advance copy of Iraq's summary of the WMD submission to the UN.

On page 10,879, it says and I quote:

"There is absolutely no evidence that Spanky ever wore a diaper during a date with any escort"

This should clear it up for everybody, huh?
Originally posted by Phantom
I hear that Chuckie's finest are going to be charactor witnesses at his trial. The upright, model citizens that they are.

You mean some of the Top Ten prostitutes in America are going to provide character witness to say his site had nothing to do with prostitution?

Ain't that an oxymoron?
Originally posted by Phantom
I hear that Chuckie's finest are going to be charactor witnesses at his trial. The upright, model citizens that they are.

Prosecutor: Shauna, is it true that you provided bare back full service to one Chuckie (big dog) in exchange for a high rating on his top 100 list?

Shauna: [leaning forward and whispering to the prosecutor] I told you already...... Just you, the judge, jury and my gynecologist.


One out of three
Sorry Oett

Can't trust them raqui's. I suugest we appoint an indepedent fact finding team to scour your life for evidence of diapers.

(btw-when the team did a search of Shaunas Lguyland abode,they found shredded styrofoam cups)