The girls complain here

All the guys THIS... All the guys THAT... Im tired of it.
If there's any girls checking out this site.... I dedicate this thread to us.
Say what needs to be said HERE
if youre tired of it, go back to your regular job. YOu will never have to listen to a complaint about escorts again.
Tell us all here how you are a pediatricin, or a business consultant that earns 250 thou a year, and do this only to satisfy your sexual needs. I could only imagine how exciting it is to suck dick of guys double your age and weigh double your weight.
Its tuff to for me to listen when a guy like Trump complains about people he does business with.
When I make his kind of money, which will never happen in 10 lifetimes, Ill stop complaining about the escorts that fuck me over constantly, since I wont be hiring them anymore.
Ill just do what rich guys like Trump does, Ill go to a modeling agency, and pick out the hottest girls portfolio, and ask her to marry me.


homo economicus
Prostitutes are late, no show, give terrible service, are spacey, are arrogant, and generally believe they are doing johns a favor by allowing them to spend sometimes 10 times their own 'wage' for service. And yet johns continue to put up with it so that they can risk their livelihoods, marriages, and even their health for a little trim. So who as a group is more dysfunctional: johns or prostitutes?
Originally posted by justme
So who as a group is more dysfunctional: johns or prostitutes?
JM, I can unequivically admit and state that we are the ones who are more dysfunctional. The prostitutes really need to have their heads together to do the things they do and not go crazy at the end of the day. At least the women I've met. Is seeing a prostitute in the first place dysfunctional? I don't know?
The women are more dysfunctional by far. That's why they're late, pull no shows, give terrible service, are spacey, arrogant, and generally believe they are doing gentlemen a favor by allowing them to spend sometimes 10 times their own 'wage' for service.

Sometimes when I walk down the street (who am I kidding, all the time) I find me asking myself if I would sleep with ladies that I see walking by. Sometimes the answer is yes; sometimes the answer is no. I couldn't imagine if I were an escort and I got all the ones I answered "no" to continually coming to see me. I couldn't imagine having to kiss them! Ewww!!!!
Originally posted by SixtySecondsMan
I couldn't imagine if I were an escort and I got all the ones I answered "no" to continually coming to see me. I couldn't imagine having to kiss them! Ewww!!!!
But that's exactly what makes prostitutes less dysfunctional. Do you think a dysfunctional person could cope with that shit every day. Hell no! God bless them!
SixtySecondsMan wrote:
I were an escort and I got all the ones I answered "no" to continually coming to see me. I couldn't imagine having to kiss them! Ewww!!!!
LOL, too funny...

Speaking of kissing, that is something that I find... odd. They won't let you stick your tongue in their mouth (or even touch their lips with yours) but they will let you stick your wanker in their mouth (or elsewhere). You can plant your lips on virtually any part of their body except the lips on their face.

I always guessed it was the connotation of intimacy and they have to draw their line in the sand somewhere...

Equally Dysfunctional

There is something called Complimentarity.
It means that in order to have one you must have the other to balance it out. Therefore we all share the same neurosis in order to survive.

BTW, the whole kissing thing goes against that. Which is a good point, I think. Kissing rocks. But if youdon't do it because your trying to balance things out, that might be why you have no john's... ;)