Spam blocking Moderation Que


Reign of Terror
We are experiencing another heavy spam attack which is clogging the Moderation que.

If you are in moderation and have not seen your post approved the past few days this is why. It is probably buried.

Posts in threads that are more active have a better chance of being seen and then approved.


Reign of Terror
The dummies probably think UG is UKraine.
It's making my job a lot harder.
Its not allowing me to scroll past the all the spam posts to get to the legitimate members posts in the que. So the only way I see real posts in the que is if they are in a thread with recent posts or they are an attempt at a new thread.


Power Bottom
It's making my job a lot harder.
It's etb not allowing me to scroll past the all the spam posts to get to the legitimate members posts in the que. So the only way I see real posts in the que is if they are in a thread with recent posts or they are an attempt at a new thread.
Maybe a tech guy here can advise on blocking it .


Reign of Terror
Problem cleared

I just approved about 50 posts and deleted about 25 so if you've been looking for something you posted take a look now