Slip of the lip.

Not sure if this qualifies as what you're looking for, Thorn, but this is what came to mind:

A few years ago (long before the Spitzer scandal) some politician got caught with a hooker and I was discussing the news article with several people on an ***** string. One was a relative of mine. In the news story, the provider had charged a low rate, say $150. I absentmindedly commented that she could have charged a lot more because, after all, the going rate was $300. The next ***** to the string was from my relative:

"How do you know that?"

Have you ever had a dialog with a friend or a relative who didn't know about your double life but let a little too much info go in a convo that got them thinking there might be more to you than they know?

Post it hear so we may all learn from each other.

Thanks to Monk for the idea for this thread.


lil Fuzzybear
This was always a problem for me. With my in-laws all being NYPD and my wife and I involved in this game. Family gatherings always meant not talking about any business related stuff. Well the sh-t hit the fan when the unexpected happend at my wife funneral we had a mixed bag of mourners and I was left to try and explain. Something to this day my in laws question. See we had NYPD show up and dancers and some providers and Russians and 2 MC's. Of course the realitiy was the providers and dancers were my wifes friends ones her family was totaly unaware of so I took the heat cause the truth they were there to support me. I had never given much thought to what could happen until it did,needless to say I am unwelcomed at my in-laws with the exception of one of my wifes little sisters. Anyway you walk that fine line long enough and I guess someday you'll slip....
Wow Wolf. I can only imagine.

I have relatives who have walked the fine line that I found myself on the other side of. Obviously, even if it weren't my nature already, since I don't favor being a hypocrite I gave them all the slack I could.

Basically, I am a firm believer in the government NOT being involved in sexual dealings between consenting ADULTS. The state imposing standards of sexual morality, best left to family, church, and the individual conscience, is not what government is suppose to be about and they are lousy at it to boot.


Go ahead. Try me.
I once had to stop myself from referring to Anal sex as Greek. We all get so used to the lingo, we forget that it's very specific.
One way to discern a "pro" from a "non-pro". Non-pro's wouldn't a have a fucking clue what "GFE" was.

You know, I would have totally agreed with that up until the recent main stream magazines [Time, Newsweek], newspapers [Daily News, Post, Newsday in this area alone] and now even TV shows what with "Secret Diary of a Call Girl" on Showtime, etc, use of the term. All using the phrase, the initials, or both and hinting at, or out right spelling out [as in Secret Dairy], its so called meaning.

It seems "GFE" has gone Madison Ave. :rolleyes:
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Friday as I was leaving work, I got on the elevator. I saw a fellow co-worker who asked how I was, because he had not seen me in a while. I turn and "Yeah, I have been UTR" He looked at me crossed eyed, and I explained "under the radar" Later I thought the elevator was to crowded to use that term outloud.
Unlike many of the terms in our hobby lingo, UTR is certainly not unique to it, and using it would not necessarily mark you with a scarlet H.

The term originated in a military and aviation arenas, where its meaning is quite literal. Its colloquial use for an analogous concept exists in many contexts other than "this thing of ours."

See e.g., which gives two examples of its use, neither of which is related to our hobby.
I make this mistake all the time. I always just laugh it off, and make the other person seem "square" for not knowing it if I use some term only someone in the hobby would know. I get some looks and some friends girlfriends get a little weirded out but I usually get away with it.
I never make these slip ups around by girlfriend though...
A little over 10 years ago, shortly after I started using *****, I established an alias ***** account online. I was at work and stumbled on a site I wanted to share with a workmate. Then, mistakenly, I sent him the link using my alias account, which was open on my desktop at the time. Later in the day, when I saw him in the hall, I asked him what he thought of that link.

"Oh, I was wondering who sent me that," he said. I suddenly realized what I'd done.0 Luckily, there weren't any consequences to that slip up, but it taught me an important lesson. Now I ALWAYS log out once I've checked that account and log back in only if I intend to use the account right then, at that moment. It's just too easy to screw up otherwise.