Slinky's Juneteenth Eve Spectacular Tuesday June 18th

6pm worked better for me initially as providers come and go without posted schedule. I think there was a disconnect with how much patrons should bring and if there would be any takeaways for providers be it swag or supplies. Some budgeted $300 or less. While admission pays for festivities, small fee from providers for prepared supplies and support for site might be an idea. Some didn't show due to scheduling conflicts.
Last event was great with the 6p start. (HBD again, Slinky!) It's nice to stop by after work without making a separate trip or blocking out the evening's schedule. Please keep 6p--people who prefer 8p can just show up later. 6p people like me may not be able to attend. My two cents.
BTW just in case I didn't appropriately thank those who brought birthday presents;
From a birthday cake to bottles to gift cards to cash:
Thank you one and all!
I take it you are not a guitar player and Super Slinky guitar strings made no sense as a gift. Guitarists bend strings and use Super Slinky guitar strings, so I thought that was the genesis of your handle.