Secret Diary Of A Call Girl

Four seasons about an internet hooker and not a single client has told her if she barebacks him he'll write a great review, and no calls from *** Dave or Chuckie BigDog demanding freebies.....

Not a very realistic portrayal.
Four seasons about an internet hooker and not a single client has told her if she barebacks him he'll write a great review, and no calls from *** Dave or Chuckie BigDog demanding freebies.....

Not a very realistic portrayal.
They are saving that part for the rating sweeps to ensure the show will go into syndication.
show's based off a novel written by an author "based on her true story" lol. mind you its in england... so the gameplay may be different than how we experience on this side of the pond?

ironic story: A while back I got to know a dancer, she was your typical bikini bar Russian - wont get naked, was strict about sex/zero mileage, and said she will never gross things. During one of our drives back to her apartment in Brooklyn a year later, she mentioned she liked reading the "Secret diaries of a Call Girl" which made me wonder why she's still so stingy with being fun since the book is pretty much a "how to" on how making $$ selling yourself is fun. Fast forward to our final otc meetup - she has moved into a Lower East Side apartment and now strips naked at a popular nude club near Times square.

She either learned from the book or found a sugar daddy. Either way, she wised up. I wish more girls would learn the same epitome. "Closed mouths dont get fed on the boulevard."