In my younger years, i would get really pissed off while driving... Honk, high bright, cut off those who drove like shit and on many occasions got outta the car and info fist fights all over poor driving habits. Whixh lead to several dis-con tickets and court appearances, a few court ordered anger management classes and one time a weekend in brooklyn house of detention for assault... As a seasoned grown up though, I've learned its just not worth it anymore to get so pissed off at the stupidity of others and their poor driving skills. Nowadays if someone high brights me I sinply slow down to a crawl, if someone cuts me off, I blow em a kiss when I pull up along side em, and if someone is bold enough to jump outta the car well then I sinply show em that the old guy can still handle himself so get the fuck back in your car you shitty driving cunt!!!
Yes, I've conquered my road rage issues, and I sincerely hope everyone can conquer theirs!