same response i got, which i believe is the same ***** they send to everyone. as to better night, probably more pot luck than planned. btw, the time i went, the password is just to make sound like its private, at no time is it ever asked. linens are not clean, towels may or may not be laundered. this NOT a high class joint, simply a walk-up place that hopes to attract single men & collect as many $150's as it can. the variety offered is de minimus, & those girls there seem very friendly with the dudes there which leads me to think they are all kind of owner-participants, but that is just my take. perhaps its "worth" a visit, but it does sound to good to be really true. no place really caters to single men, but we keep looking thinking maybe..... even places like le trapeze are only for couples, but the real joke is over 50% are comprised of men (married or single) with paid-for escorts posing as girlfriends. spontaneous is just not happening anywhere in the city - am i wrong????????