Prostitutes and their biasis

Just to flush out your story a little;
Who did you call, it's okay (and preferable) to mention her by name. You don't need to include the phone number.

Also if she has a thread here, as I know of at least one TS that works or worked at Show World who also sees guys via an ad and has been reviewed here, that's really where this should go.

What sexual act did you ask for that for her pisses off?
I looked through the TS forum but didn’t see any posts. She now goes by the name Patty Ann. When I met her many, many years ago at Showworld, she went by Tiffany.

When I saw her ad, I remembered our interaction and how I was so hesitant at the time. She offered to take care of me for free and I didn’t take her seriously at the time. Looking back I know I possibly missed out on an experience. After all this time I’ll randomly think about not just that missed opportunity but others as well.

When we were talking I was telling her about what I remembered. I didn’t think at all she remembered, it was more about establishing that I wasn’t bullshitting her. Also, I stupidly thought I could get lucky and maybe find a NPFP connection. Dumb wishful thinking, I know.

When I mentioned mutual oral and prostrate massage, I got the insults and how she doesn’t do that with f*gs. At the time I was taken aback but now I just shrugged it off and now know I probably dodged a bullet with unneeded drama creeping into my personal life.
I was turned away from a provider a few weeks ago do not rememeber who After getting all info I show up get to room does the LE check take off my shirt she says sorry you to big pointing to my stomach got dressed left oh well left called somone else and had a great time.


Reign of Terror
I was turned away from a provider a few weeks ago do not rememeber who After getting all info I show up get to room does the LE check take off my shirt she says sorry you to big pointing to my stomach got dressed left oh well left called somone else and had a great time.
Do you remember the ethnicity of the girl?

Are you really that big or just a beer belly?
I was turned away from a provider a few weeks ago do not rememeber who After getting all info I show up get to room does the LE check take off my shirt she says sorry you to big pointing to my stomach got dressed left oh well left called somone else and had a great time.
Try to remember and post in the right place. Crucial intel right there that will save a lot of members time & money.
And don’t take offense, to me that says more about her & dealing with what she gas to do to get by then you. Fuck her.
Do you remember the ethnicity of the girl?

Are you really that big or just a beer belly?
At the time I was about 35-40 lbs overweight tipping the scale at 250-255 She was a latin girl she was on the medium side I pass no judgement on her she made a call as I see it we all a choice we do the same when the girl anawers the door we decide if we want to enter or not for what ever reason just my honest opinion
Try to remember and post in the right place. Crucial intel right there that will save a lot of members time & money.
And don’t take offense, to me that says more about her & dealing with what she gas to do to get by then you. Fuck her.
Massy this is the only place I would know where to post this the place does not matter it was her choice not see me. Just like it is our choice to eneter the room when she opens the door sometimes we walk away when she is not the one in photo or she gives herself a better description and is not what it seems. I have no ill feelings towards her so everything else should matter in my opinion
Massy this is the only place I would know where to post this the place does not matter it was her choice not see me. Just like it is our choice to eneter the room when she opens the door sometimes we walk away when she is not the one in photo or she gives herself a better description and is not what it seems. I have no ill feelings towards her so everything else should matter in my opinion
That's the right attitude.
The only time I was ever called the N word is by a popular provider here and to this day it’s shocking and hurts. If anyone ever called me that before it was behind my back or in secrecy this was the first time it was to my face well technically over the phone during the initial screening. I find it ironic that that’s the time someone of another race ever called me that go figure in this profession and line of work I guess all goes in love and war lol. I hope she reads this because she knows who she is smh! This wasn’t recent this was before the pandemic and everything so hopefully she has grown since then but I was shocked at that type of behavior from someone so well reviewed on here especially would this be considered bias behavior yes or no just curious? To me it is but the powers that be might say differently on this board just saying.
The only time I was ever called the N word is by a popular provider here and to this day it’s shocking and hurts. If anyone ever called me that before it was behind my back or in secrecy this was the first time it was to my face well technically over the phone during the initial screening. I find it ironic that that’s the time someone of another race ever called me that go figure in this profession and line of work I guess all goes in love and war lol. I hope she reads this because she knows who she is smh! This wasn’t recent this was before the pandemic and everything so hopefully she has grown since then but I was shocked at that type of behavior from someone so well reviewed on here especially would this be considered bias behavior yes or no just curious? To me it is but the powers that be might say differently on this board just saying.
I would say that is considered a bias!
Just gonna add my 2 cents in here. This was definitely almost 24 years ago (around 2000) that I was in the mood for a nice massage and FS and was scouring the back of the Village Voice (yes that's how long ago this was.) I saw this one with Russian provider advertising just what I needed.
I was newish to the hobby and didn't have any ATFs, usual haunts or new of any reputable AMPs either. I'm still feeling my way around this new world.
So I call up the number, I speak to this woman with sexy Russian accent and I agree on the time and duration of the session. She agrees and gives me a location, tells me to call when I get closer to that spot. These were back in those days where they'd give you a location only to find out, her actual apartment was a block away. I do just that and she tells her correct Addy, and apartment number.
I get there to her apartment. Get buzzed in. It's on the 5 floor of a walk up. So I walk up slowly and get to the door. I knock softly on her door and wait for her to open. I stand there foe like 5 minutes. I knock again. And few minutes pass by and then I notice a slight shadow under the door. And the tiny bit of light from peephole emerge then slowly dims.
I wanted to knock again, but then something dawned on m in that moment clear as day. She didn't want to open the door. She had refused me, before she even got a chance to meet me!
Mind you, this was when I worked in the city and was just coming from work. Buttoned down white shirt, loose tie and slacks. We'll groomed and non-threathening. We'll at least that's what I thought. It wasn't like I looked shady, dirty or had a hood on and looked like creepy or weird.
I spoke to her quite pleasantly on the phone a few times. She seemed sweet, professional and cordial. So instead of pressing it I just left absolutely nonplussed by that kind of encounter.
It was only years later as I started seeing the "No AA" in a lot of ads that I figured that alot of these providers may have either had bad experiences or possibly a handler puts in their ads so that they look "pure" for other mongers that have issues with that. Which is totally preposterous! Mongers don't give a shit about that.
But anyway, that was the one and only time I was ever "refused" by a provider.
Just gonna add my 2 cents in here. This was definitely almost 24 years ago (around 2000) that I was in the mood for a nice massage and FS and was scouring the back of the Village Voice (yes that's how long ago this was.) I saw this one with Russian provider advertising just what I needed.
I was newish to the hobby and didn't have any ATFs, usual haunts or new of any reputable AMPs either. I'm still feeling my way around this new world.
So I call up the number, I speak to this woman with sexy Russian accent and I agree on the time and duration of the session. She agrees and gives me a location, tells me to call when I get closer to that spot. These were back in those days where they'd give you a location only to find out, her actual apartment was a block away. I do just that and she tells her correct Addy, and apartment number.
I get there to her apartment. Get buzzed in. It's on the 5 floor of a walk up. So I walk up slowly and get to the door. I knock softly on her door and wait for her to open. I stand there foe like 5 minutes. I knock again. And few minutes pass by and then I notice a slight shadow under the door. And the tiny bit of light from peephole emerge then slowly dims.
I wanted to knock again, but then something dawned on m in that moment clear as day. She didn't want to open the door. She had refused me, before she even got a chance to meet me!
Mind you, this was when I worked in the city and was just coming from work. Buttoned down white shirt, loose tie and slacks. We'll groomed and non-threathening. We'll at least that's what I thought. It wasn't like I looked shady, dirty or had a hood on and looked like creepy or weird.
I spoke to her quite pleasantly on the phone a few times. She seemed sweet, professional and cordial. So instead of pressing it I just left absolutely nonplussed by that kind of encounter.
It was only years later as I started seeing the "No AA" in a lot of ads that I figured that alot of these providers may have either had bad experiences or possibly a handler puts in their ads so that they look "pure" for other mongers that have issues with that. Which is totally preposterous! Mongers don't give a shit about that.
But anyway, that was the one and only time I was ever "refused" by a provider.
Mongers absolutely care and MMS and handlers do too they will say it ruins business and turn other potential future customers away. Lastly some feel it brings unwanted attention to their establishment when AA men are not usually frequenting the neighborhood or particular building unless in uniform delivering or moving packages (physical labor, maintenance man, doorman) etc.

I have seen and heard it all by this point. Whats ironic is some of these women actually have real life boyfriends that are AA but are not allowed to see them in their professional life only personal. Riddle me that one lol.

So yes just to answer or refute your statement seeing AA can possibly have a detrimental effect on their business plan and economic outcome depending on how their business structure is set up. Some have had negative experiences some haven’t some lie and claim they haven’t some are paranoid some don’t like certain mongers hard to differentiate as to what the “real” motives are actually just have to take it with a grain of salt.

It’s like work in the real world sometimes you’re told why you’re fired sometimes you’re given bs excuses and told not a good fit or downsizing. You will not know ultimately if it was racism, prejudice, discrimination, biases, or unjust practices. “This” world runs just like the “real”world period take the good with the bad is what I say takes all types. Like PE said, “Don’t Believe The Hype.”
Mongers absolutely care and MMS and handlers do too they will say it ruins business and turn other potential future customers away. Lastly some feel it brings unwanted attention to their establishment when AA men are not usually frequenting the neighborhood or particular building unless in uniform delivering or moving packages (physical labor, maintenance man, doorman) etc.

I have seen and heard it all by this point. Whats ironic is some of these women actually have real life boyfriends that are AA but are not allowed to see them in their professional life only personal. Riddle me that one lol.

So yes just to answer or refute your statement seeing AA can possibly have a detrimental effect on their business plan and economic outcome depending on how their business structure is set up etc. Some have had negative experiences some haven’t some lie and claim they haven’t some are paranoid some don’t like certain mongers hard to differentiate as to what the “real” motives are actually just have to two or with a grain of salt. It’s like work in the real world sometimes you’re told why you’re fired sometimes you’re given bs excuses and told not a good fit or downsizing. You will not know ultimately if it was racism, prejudice, discrimination, biases, or unjust practices. “This” world runs just like the “real”world period take the good with the bad is what I say takes all types. Like PE said, “Don’t Believe The Hype.”
When I said mongers don't care I'm alluding to the idea that if I see a provider that I know caters to all races, Asian, Arab, Latin, Indian, white, black, whatever that would stop us from seeing them. Question: would you stop seeing a provider, eve your ATF, just because you knew she has been with other races? Well, I can only speak for myself anyway, but that's what my point was.

Providers now, like I also stated in my post, may have either had bad experiences or think that will draw unwanted attention. This happens in the porn industry as well. (Ever wondered why Alexis Texas never went "dark" hahahahahaha) Her brand would've plummeted and those goes for hundreds of PS. It's fucked up but that's how it is. You would think, well, it's only money, it's only business, but there's more to it then that.

We cannot be daft to think "this world" doesn't reflect the real world. I'm fully aware of that. Only those that have never been discriminated that way will never think so. I'm glad Billy started this thread, because this is something that isn't often spoken about.
Again as I've stated this was the only time something like that has happened to me. I don't sweat it, having 20 plus years in this game, I've seen everything under the sun, in terms of providers. Some great, some so-so, some alright. Only a few misses. But that's the game baby.
This was just something I wanted to share, cuz there's a thread for it.
One weird experience never stopped me. Also to quote PE, "It's gonna take a nation of millions to hold us back."
Just gonna add my 2 cents in here. This was definitely almost 24 years ago (around 2000) that I was in the mood for a nice massage and FS and was scouring the back of the Village Voice (yes that's how long ago this was.) I saw this one with Russian provider advertising just what I needed.
I was newish to the hobby and didn't have any ATFs, usual haunts or new of any reputable AMPs either. I'm still feeling my way around this new world.
So I call up the number, I speak to this woman with sexy Russian accent and I agree on the time and duration of the session. She agrees and gives me a location, tells me to call when I get closer to that spot. These were back in those days where they'd give you a location only to find out, her actual apartment was a block away. I do just that and she tells her correct Addy, and apartment number.
I get there to her apartment. Get buzzed in. It's on the 5 floor of a walk up. So I walk up slowly and get to the door. I knock softly on her door and wait for her to open. I stand there foe like 5 minutes. I knock again. And few minutes pass by and then I notice a slight shadow under the door. And the tiny bit of light from peephole emerge then slowly dims.
I wanted to knock again, but then something dawned on m in that moment clear as day. She didn't want to open the door. She had refused me, before she even got a chance to meet me!
Mind you, this was when I worked in the city and was just coming from work. Buttoned down white shirt, loose tie and slacks. We'll groomed and non-threathening. We'll at least that's what I thought. It wasn't like I looked shady, dirty or had a hood on and looked like creepy or weird.
I spoke to her quite pleasantly on the phone a few times. She seemed sweet, professional and cordial. So instead of pressing it I just left absolutely nonplussed by that kind of encounter.
It was only years later as I started seeing the "No AA" in a lot of ads that I figured that alot of these providers may have either had bad experiences or possibly a handler puts in their ads so that they look "pure" for other mongers that have issues with that. Which is totally preposterous! Mongers don't give a shit about that.
But anyway, that was the one and only time I was ever "refused" by a provider.
Just gonna add my 2 cents in here. This was definitely almost 24 years ago (around 2000) that I was in the mood for a nice massage and FS and was scouring the back of the Village Voice (yes that's how long ago this was.) I saw this one with Russian provider advertising just what I needed.
I was newish to the hobby and didn't have any ATFs, usual haunts or new of any reputable AMPs either. I'm still feeling my way around this new world.
So I call up the number, I speak to this woman with sexy Russian accent and I agree on the time and duration of the session. She agrees and gives me a location, tells me to call when I get closer to that spot. These were back in those days where they'd give you a location only to find out, her actual apartment was a block away. I do just that and she tells her correct Addy, and apartment number.
I get there to her apartment. Get buzzed in. It's on the 5 floor of a walk up. So I walk up slowly and get to the door. I knock softly on her door and wait for her to open. I stand there foe like 5 minutes. I knock again. And few minutes pass by and then I notice a slight shadow under the door. And the tiny bit of light from peephole emerge then slowly dims.
I wanted to knock again, but then something dawned on m in that moment clear as day. She didn't want to open the door. She had refused me, before she even got a chance to meet me!
Mind you, this was when I worked in the city and was just coming from work. Buttoned down white shirt, loose tie and slacks. We'll groomed and non-threathening. We'll at least that's what I thought. It wasn't like I looked shady, dirty or had a hood on and looked like creepy or weird.
I spoke to her quite pleasantly on the phone a few times. She seemed sweet, professional and cordial. So instead of pressing it I just left absolutely nonplussed by that kind of encounter.
It was only years later as I started seeing the "No AA" in a lot of ads that I figured that alot of these providers may have either had bad experiences or possibly a handler puts in their ads so that they look "pure" for other mongers that have issues with that. Which is totally preposterous! Mongers don't give a shit about that.
But anyway, that was the one and only time I was ever "refused" by a provider.
Thankyou for your story. It reminds me of how just back in March I was refused service at an AMP over text because I asked if me being AA was ok. I will say before hand to where im going that i am AA so i dont get turned down at a door or cause trouble by surpising people and i have had people ask me when i have sent out messages asking about providers availability to set up appointments. It is disappointing sometimes seeing that and very much so at the place that turned me down that day because it had some service(s) that I was interested in which is why I messaged there. Oddly enough it resulted in me going to a different AMP in the queens jamaica area that same day which I'll have to leave a review on soon.
Mongers absolutely care and MMS and handlers do too they will say it ruins business and turn other potential future customers away. Lastly some feel it brings unwanted attention to their establishment when AA men are not usually frequenting the neighborhood or particular building unless in uniform delivering or moving packages (physical labor, maintenance man, doorman) etc.

I have seen and heard it all by this point. Whats ironic is some of these women actually have real life boyfriends that are AA but are not allowed to see them in their professional life only personal. Riddle me that one lol.

So yes just to answer or refute your statement seeing AA can possibly have a detrimental effect on their business plan and economic outcome depending on how their business structure is set up. Some have had negative experiences some haven’t some lie and claim they haven’t some are paranoid some don’t like certain mongers hard to differentiate as to what the “real” motives are actually just have to take it with a grain of salt.

It’s like work in the real world sometimes you’re told why you’re fired sometimes you’re given bs excuses and told not a good fit or downsizing. You will not know ultimately if it was racism, prejudice, discrimination, biases, or unjust practices. “This” world runs just like the “real”world period take the good with the bad is what I say takes all types. Like PE said, “Don’t Believe The Hype.”
You've covered many of the excuses legitimate as well as the BS. There's honestly enough providers out there who are willing to accept your money for a good sheet shaking time. Document it and move on.
When I said mongers don't care I'm alluding to the idea that if I see a provider that I know caters to all races, Asian, Arab, Latin, Indian, white, black, whatever that would stop us from seeing them. Question: would you stop seeing a provider, eve your ATF, just because you knew she has been with other races? Well, I can only speak for myself anyway, but that's what my point was.

Providers now, like I also stated in my post, may have either had bad experiences or think that will draw unwanted attention. This happens in the porn industry as well. (Ever wondered why Alexis Texas never went "dark" hahahahahaha) Her brand would've plummeted and those goes for hundreds of PS. It's fucked up but that's how it is. You would think, well, it's only money, it's only business, but there's more to it then that.

We cannot be daft to think "this world" doesn't reflect the real world. I'm fully aware of that. Only those that have never been discriminated that way will never think so. I'm glad Billy started this thread, because this is something that isn't often spoken about.
Again as I've stated this was the only time something like that has happened to me. I don't sweat it, having 20 plus years in this game, I've seen everything under the sun, in terms of providers. Some great, some so-so, some alright. Only a few misses. But that's the game baby.
This was just something I wanted to share, cuz there's a thread for it.
One weird experience never stopped me. Also to quote PE, "It's gonna take a nation of millions to hold us back."