Part 7

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Catherine (laughing): I remember him saying that to me once.

Morgan: Nate taught me that men who go to see prostitutes, even though they each think they're unique, fall into predictable categories. I didn't believe him at first, but then I saw three guys get recycled back to back one right after the other. I didn't see the resemblance between them the first time. By the third time, though, I had the lesson down pat. All these guys acted exactly the same way. They were all very particular about what they wanted the girl to do. Like they were staging a ceremony of some sort that required the girl to perform the sexual acts exactly the way they'd imagined before they walked into the room. The ceremonies were different enough to make you think there wasn't anything similar about them, but if you really looked carefully there was an unmoved quality about each of them that stuck out. They weren't mean to the girl, just unemotional and ritualistic. She gave them all exactly the same session and thought the same thoughts while she was doing each of them. Nate told me that these were the Stoics, the most common type of john. That third night Nate taught me about the other types of johns as well until I could see the same things that women see about each type. ---- I was a little embarrassed. Nate pointed out to me that my natural tendency was to act like a Stud because I secretly believed that all women were actually glad to have sex with me since I was such hot stuff. "Any hooker worth her salt could spot you a mile off for a Stud," he told me, "You're as common as a subway rat. Get over yourself. You think your dick's big and that you're as handsome as shit. Well let me tell you, kid, your pecker is barely in the top 25%. These girls see better packages than yours every day and twice on Sundays. As far as your looks go, face it, you're only average. You're no longer 20 years old and the young man in the Arrow Shirt ad able to pick up whatever cutie he wants just because he's so fucking gorgeous no broad can resist him. Maybe a 6 at tops on a good day to a broad who's only been banging really ugly old guys all week. Has anyone pointed out to you lately that you're getting fat?"

Jean: That must have been deflating.

Morgan: It was. (Morgan laughs) But I got over it. Nate taught me that night how to chose the type of john I was going to be. Since I'd woken up, Nate taught me that I would have to learn how to be different men if I was going to continue going to prostitutes. That I'd have to learn to be any man a prostitute thought I was. I told him that I wasn't so sure I could do a Needy Guy or a Submissive. "I don't think I would be believable," I said. Without saying anything, Nate broke my nose. As the tears streamed down my face and the blood rushed out of my nose, I blurted out "Why did you do that?" "To put you in touch with your feelings, kid," Nate said. "Don't try to hand me that bullshit that you don't know what it is to be needy or submissive. Everyone's looked for kindness and been dominated. I just expanded your range as an actor." I still shudder to think what he would have done to me if I'd told him that I didn't think I could be a believable Pervert.

Catherine: I started going to Herb's sessions in 1949. Herb was always what you call a Stoic. No different at all from the way he was with me at home. Bob has always been a Needy Guy. I suppose he'll never change.

Jean: Bob was a Needy Guy with me too at first. But I managed to turn him into a Stoic after our first year of marriage.

Catherine: How many categories of johns are there?

Morgan: Nate taught me that there were nine: Charmer, Lonely Guy, Lover, Master, Needy Guy, Pervert, Stoic, Stud and Submissive. I've thought at times that there might be more, but these are the only ones that I've ever seen.

Jean: Can you be any type?

Morgan: I have a face like a cloud. Prostitutes have seen every type of john in me. I learned how to be any type the third night Nate and I were together with that Puerto Rican girl.

Catherine: I know what Stoics and Needy Guys act like from watching Herb and Bob all these years. From your description, I can also understand what a Stud does. I'm not so sure about the other types. Nate never really explained all of this to me. We usually talked about other things.

Morgan: It's pretty simple really. A Charmer is a guy who has to try to get a woman to like him personally on some level. He's kind of like a Stud, but instead of relying on what a Stud thinks of as his pure animal magnetism, a Charmer tries to show the woman that he deserves her to like him because he's so funny, sensitive and smart. Men who were Studs when they were younger will often modify their approach as they get older and become Charmers. ---- Lonely Guys are fairly self-explanatory. They just want a woman to be with them to have someone to talk to and confide in. The sex is really just an excuse to get a chance to be with another human being. A Lover is a man who treats a woman with a feeling of tenderness.

Catherine: If I were a man, I'd never be a Lover with a prostitute. It seems completely pointless to me. I think I'd be a Stud, or on days when I was feeling especially chipper, a Charmer.

Jean: It might be fun to be a different man with different women. If I were a man, I might be a Lover with the right woman.

Morgan (addressing Jean): I didn't think you had it in you. (Pointing towards the black catatonic john with the red paper heart seated next to him) Pearson here is a Lover. He's very fond of Ruth. Tonight is the fourth time he's seen her. His wife and parents became quite animated. This afternoon when he was saying the most intelligent, kind and wonderful things to Ruth and kissing her with real aroused passionate feeling, Pearson's wife tore a hunk of her own hair out by the roots and screamed that she was going to put a steak knife through his heart the moment he walks through the door. His mother was equally beside herself. She wept great heaving sobs in continuous rolling waves of grief. After each wave crested, she moaned out loud asking God what she had done to deserve this. ---- Pearson's father was more understanding. He drank four bottles of beer, ate two sandwiches, and actually seemed to enjoy himself. Every time his son said something especially sensitive to Ruth, he slapped his knee, burst out laughing and yelled, "Way to go, Wayne! Good pussy should do that to a man. That's how you know it's good." This unfortunately made his wife and daughter-in-law very upset with him. Each time he laughed, they got up out of their chairs and beat him with empty beer bottles. Luckily, none of them will remember what happened here today.

Catherine: How does a man become a Lover?

Morgan: Some prostitutes get tired of servicing Stoics and the other types of johns they normally see. Even for a prostitute, it feels good to be treated with tenderness. Sex with a man who values her can be quite intense for a woman. It feels different. If a prostitute who likes Lovers senses that a john might be a Lover and she wants him to do that, she'll be affectionate and disclose things about herself to generate a natural feeling of sympathy and set the stage for him to talk about himself. If a man is disposed to being a Lover, that's all the motivation he'll usually need.

Jean: How do you do it?

Morgan: I look around the room or read the woman's thoughts to find at least one person who unconditionally loves her. Then I look to see whether she has treated at least some people better than could be expected of her. Feeling sympathy alone won't do it for me. To be believable, I have to sense that someone else values her and that she has earned the right to be valued by her own actions; the sorts of things that can't be taken away from her by anybody. If I can tell a prostitute wants me to be a Lover and I don't sense those things, I'll choose to be somebody else with her. ---- With prostitutes that are bitches, I choose to be a Master or Pervert when they want me to be a Lover. It's one of the few mean things I can do that still amuses me.

Jean: Were you a Lover with Ruth tonight?

Morgan: Oh, no. When Ruth first looked at me deciding what kind of john I was when I walked in the room, she already had Pearson in mind and was anticipating seeing him after I left during our entire session. I could tell that she thought I was a Charmer. So that's who I was with her. I complimented her on her thorough knowledge of local Thai restaurants and collection of bustiers. She told me some of her story and no more than the usual number of lies about herself. She's not quite as young as she says she is and not nearly as fond of men as she pretends to be. ---- If she'd thought I was a Lover, I could've done that just as well. There is someone who loves her. She has treated some people better than could be expected of her.

(Bob's associate, Bruce, rises from his chair and walks to stand facing the front of the room immediately behind Bob and Ruth.)

Bruce (addressing Bob): Bob, I just wanted you to know that I've completed that fifty-state survey you asked for on consumer interest rates. As I predicted during our discussion this morning, the states with the most pro-lender approach are…

Morgan (addressing Bruce): Bruce, be quiet. Against all odds, your boss is trying to get a blowjob. You are not helping. Sit down. If you get up again, I'll hurt you.

(Bruce returns to his chair embarrassed, and resumes reviewing the documents he and Alice have brought with them.)

Jean: Do Lovers get recycled? It seems unfair somehow.

Morgan: Pearson is due to be recycled when Leibowitz shows up for Ruth's last session of the night. Leibowitz's a Lover too. This will be his twentieth time seeing Ruth. He's been coming to see her for over two years. ----There is nothing unfair about it. It's how it works.

Catherine: Do prostitutes have personal preferences for the types of johns they see?

Morgan: With some, it's Studs, Needy Guys, Lonely Guys, Charmers and Lovers - roughly in that order. Others actually prefer Stoics and only like good-looking Studs on certain days of the month when they're feeling frisky. They're all different. Ruth seems to like Studs, Lovers, Submissives and Charmers with the occasional Lonely Guy or Needy Guy thrown in on those days when she has the energy to be kind. Like most women, Masters and Perverts aren't really her cup of tea. She'll deal with them if they aren't too extreme and distasteful. Stoics she accepts because they are so common and because they provide her with a perfect reflection of her own stoicism. (Pointing to the white catatonic john seated next to Pearson) Matulevich here is a Stoic. He was Ruth's last john. He likes to be standing when he gets his blowjobs and does that with every prostitute he sees. Sometimes he eats them while he does this. He saw it once in a porno movie and can't get the image out of his mind. He wasn't all that difficult for her to be with. Ruth came a lot during intercourse. He's quite well hung. Ruth liked that. It was an ordinary Stoic session in all other respects. His mother and father both read the newspaper and fell asleep in their chairs. His ex-wife called her sister on her cell phone, provided a running commentary, and gossiped about how unfeeling he had always been with her.

Catherine: I wish cell phones had been invented back when I used to go to Herb's sessions. Except for the time I spent with Nate, I was always bored. ---- Are Masters, Perverts and Submissives as bad as they sound?

Morgan: It's a matter of degree. There are amusing, gracious and kind Masters, Masters who are not amusing or kind but only gracious, and Masters who are neither amusing, gracious or kind. Each seeks to be acknowledged as being in control. Some are just more politic about it. Chang was a Master. He was gracious, but not amusing or kind. Not too extreme. If he had been, Ruth would have told him to leave. ---- It's the same with Perverts. While they each want to pretend they're making a woman do something she doesn't want to do, they can range from the guy who sticks an occasional unwanted finger up a woman's ass while chuckling to himself what a nasty fellow he is to a guy who wants to pretend that he's raping a very unwilling woman. Submissives are the same way. They all want to be bossed around. Some do this merely by being passive and alert to whatever clues the woman might give them on what they should do. Others want their asses kicked and aren't ashamed to ask for it.

Jean: I would think that men would display a little more of themselves and not be so simple to categorize.

Morgan: Most men display traits of more than one type of john during a session. For instance, I added slight undertones of Stud and Master to my Charmer performance tonight with Ruth to add some suspense to my characterization. It keeps women on their toes. They expect it. But when all is said and done, I was a Charmer because that was the essence of my approach. And that's how Ruth would remember me if she ever saw me again. ---- Not that I would get the same performance from her. She would treat me as if I was the last Charmer she'd seen. That's why repeat sessions with a prostitute usually seem a bit off to johns. Even though women usually remember what you were basically like and often repeat the things they said to you before, they invariably treat you like somebody who is not quite yourself.

Jean: So variations are possible?

Morgan: Within reason. Some types you won't see get mixed. A Lover wouldn't add undertones of Master or Pervert. It would be too contradictory. To be a Lover requires a sense of humility that would be at odds with the essential traits of the Master or Pervert. But variations do occur based on the undertones men add. There can also sometimes be movement towards other types in repeat sessions. For instance, a Charmer can become a Lover or a Stoic can become a Stud when encouraged to do so by a prostitute. Lovers can also become Masters or Perverts. That happens when the Needy Guy that almost all Lovers bring with them into their sessions becomes frustrated. It's hard for prostitutes to keep a Lover as a steady john. Liebowitz is an exception. It's far easier for them to keep a Lonely Guy or a Needy Guy or a Submissive. Charmers, Lovers, Masters, Perverts, Stoics and Studs need to keep moving. They're like sharks in the water. ---- It looks like Bob could become one of Ruth's regulars.

Bob: Vanessa is so nice. I was a fool not to see it the moment I walked into the room. I can tell she really cares about me and wants me to become one of her regulars. She's worried about my skin and how I'll be this winter. She's even agreed to come back here next week because I like this hotel so much. I'm going to come see her a lot more. There's something so perfect about her. My first physical description of her for my review was completely wrong. I'm going to change it. She's not just pretty. She's absolutely beautiful! Everybody should know that! (Lifts Dictaphone to his mouth) Strike the first physical description and substitute the following: Vanessa is a thin, absolutely beautiful woman with dark brown hair, smiling green eyes, small pointy breasts and a cute little boy's ass. (Lowers Dictaphone) There. Now I feel like I've done the right thing. If I ever read something disrespectful about her on a prostitution message board, I'm going to defend her and tell everybody just how nice she really is. I don't know how men can be so rude.

Catherine: Bob takes everything these women do personally as if it were all meant for him. Herb never cared one whit. One girl he saw a few times used to daydream aloud to herself about murdering him and stealing his money. It didn't matter at all to him. He was impervious.

Herb: I never felt a thing. I had my sessions the same way with each woman I saw. I always sat on their chests and pumped them in the mouth for my first orgasm. You never want to leave something as important as the result of a blowjob to chance. More often than not, women just fuck it up. For my second orgasm, I did them doggie style with their legs on the inside of my thighs. I never liked their legs on the outside. That made me feel trapped. ---- I never listened to a thing any of them said. It all went in one ear and out the other. I wasn't at all like Bob. He's always looking to see whether the whores he sees are his first grade teacher in disguise. (Addressing Bob) Heh, Bob! If I ever remembered any of the stupid shit I've seen you do and say in these places, I'd throw you out of the firm and disinherit you. (Herb laughs) The only reason I don't get up out of this chair right now and slap you silly is because I'm too drunk.

Catherine (addressing Herb): You've always been too hard on Bob. (Addressing Morgan) I suppose that's the Stoics' approach.

Morgan: There's a lot to be said for it. It is, perhaps, the most realistic approach. But it's only the Stoics who don't take what prostitutes do personally. Every other type of john looks to prostitutes to reinforce their sense of who they are. They need women to behave in a certain way and actually believe in what the women are doing so that they can be believable to themselves.

Catherine: How could you continue going to prostitutes once you woke up, saw how things worked and stopped believing? It's perverse for a man to be so above his own emotions that he longer looks for who he is in the eyes of a woman. It's also grossly unfair. The only advantage women have ever had over men is men's belief that women were put on this earth to support them in their childish self-importance. It's the only thing that makes men predictable and easy to manage for women. ---- I always hated that about Nate; that ability of his to be different people, and not give a damm who he'd just been. It made me want to not trust him.

Morgan: It's unfair of you to judge him so harshly. You wouldn't even have recognized him if he'd knocked on your door in the real world. You would have called the police. He told me about you.

Catherine: What did he say?

Morgan: That you were the tall, beautiful shiksa a short ugly Jew like him never had a chance with when he was younger. His parents would have forbidden it. Your parents wouldn't have liked him much either.
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