New shortcut rule for insults

In an effort to cut down on the posting of insults, I am instituting a shortcut rule for insults.

Please understand we are not looking for the insults to stop, as we would never want to see that; rather, we would just like to see them become shorter in length, taking up less space in the posts. Therefore, I have developed a shortcut numerical system.

Today, I will start with insults regarding "where to stick it."
Henceforth, please post the insult number rather than the insult itself.

1. Stick it where the sun don't shine
2. Stick it in your ear
3. Stick it up your nose
4. Stick it up your ass
5. Stick it up your bangle (British version)
6. Stick it in your bunghole
7. Stick it up your ass and rotate
8. Stick it up your liberal ass
9. Stick it up your liberal ass and rotate to the left

Feel free to add your own personal favorite to the list. Thank you.