Metal bands you would never admit you liked..

Being that we are a closed group and what's said here stay's here I ask you this question. Name 5 metal bands you listened to that you would never admit to listening to. Here are my five....

1. Keel
2. Helix
3. Stryper
4. Autograph
5. Loudness
Poison, Warrant, Winger, Nelson and Slaughter.....I listened to them all back then and would only admit to poison cause Bret Michaels nailed Pam Anderson b4 Pam blew up. That makes up for the makeup, big hair and any other misgivings.
Quiet Riot

Although the great musicians who passed thru that band and went on to greatness elsewhere are nothing to laugh about... Randy Rhodes being one.
Armed Forces...

My best friend I grew up with was the lead singer. They toured with Queensryche, Metallica, ManOWar, Accept and Cinderella. After the last tour with Cinderella he knew it was time to hang em up.
I never had a problem in admitting that I liked certain metal bands. If people laughed then they laughed but I liked a lot of the classic metal bands such as Judas Priest (still #1 IMO), Sabbath, Maiden and so on. Along with the classic acts I also liked quite a few of the hair metal bands like Poison, Keel, Winger, Ratt and so on. Never be afraid to admit what you like. Whoever doesn't understand or makes fun of you, FUCK 'EM!! Especially if its an attractive girl / woman.