The NEW MADtv sucks big time. It is totally unwatchable. I tried getting through a second episode and had to keep fast forwarding through it with the hope that the next sketch would be funny. No such luck. It's an embarrassment to the franchise. Alfred E. Neuman is not laughing.
The NEW MADtv sucks big time. It is totally unwatchable. I tried getting through a second episode and had to keep fast forwarding through it with the hope that the next sketch would be funny. No such luck. It's an embarrassment to the franchise. Alfred E. Neuman is not laughing.
Same with the magazine, used to be funny at all age levels of readers, i.e., had stuff that kids, teens, and adults could all laugh at, not an easy task. I think as the original crew died off the replacements just weren't up to the task. IMHO, should have closed it down a la Seinfeld, at their peak.
And similar to Seinfeld, there are lines that are permanently part of the English language, "what do you mean we kemosabe" comes to mind (although the original cartoon the line was just "what you mean we?")

Slinky Bender

The All Powerful Moderator
One of my favorites was "Don't you hate.....". They had one with the first panel having the big gorilla guy holding an anvil over his head and his pants down around his ankles and the little guy pointing and laughing captioned "people who find humor in the misfortunes of others."

The second panel was the big gorilla guy with his hands on his hips, the anvil crashed thru the sidewalk with just the little guys legs sticking out and was captioned "people who fail to see the humor in the misfortunes of others."

Then of course there was Spy vs. Spy and the folding back covers.

There was a place somewhere on Long Island (Roslyn?) that we used to go to buy ice skates but you could also trade in used Mad Magazines for other Mad Magazines 2 for 1, but I forget the name.