Legalized torture

Of the medical kind.

Last week I had a EMG diagnosis test performed on my legs, and let me tell you it was one of the roughest tests I’ve undergone.

For your entertainment value…….

For anyone not familiar with this test a Electromyography (EMG) measures the electrical discharges produced in muscles, another part of the EMG is a nerve conduction study.

Now how do they measure the electrical muscle discharge, easy they stick a needle into your muscle at rest then tell you to either push or flex the muscle to measure the discharges, while the needle is stuck in you. I had to have this “procedure” repeated 5 times each on both legs plus 4 times on my lower back on either side of my spine. The needle BTW was about 3 inches long, not sure how much of it they stuck in me since I didn’t want to look but I was bleeding pretty bad. It was really fucking painful.

The nerve conduction study wasn’t as bad, they placed 3 electrodes on my leg and proceeded to apply various levels of electric impulses, then they measure how long it takes the current to reach the attached electrodes. They start low and the voltage goes up, had this done at least 40 times each on both legs. Think of how as a kid you took a 9v battery and put it on your tongue, now up that feeling about 10 fold, that was the "low" voltage. Had a Eastern European female technician do this test on me and she actually said to me I was pretty good, I don’t yell or cry or jerk my legs to much, which I found hard to believe since any time she applied voltage my muscles also contracted.

I will not repeat and as always YMMV.