ISO GFE No. Jersey/NY

There must be some out there with good reviews. Please recommend someone that you would visit again. Or someone who has had good reviews. Assist with


All the great ones stay below the radar. As it's been said here before, "it's not who you know, but who knows you".

Prove me who you are or more importantly who you aren't and I'll provide you with a contact info for someone you will not be disappointed in seeing again and again in northern NJ.
North Jersey

Wow, you know a quality North Jersey provider, and its not Candie? What do I have to do to get her contact info. Its kind of amazing how barren the independent provider scene is here in this part of the state - must be a result of living in the shadow of NYC.
SS and rockit,

If you are truly interested in meeting this girl you will get in touch with me the same way that Legshaker did.

I will NOT post her name or contact info on an open board.
I understand clearly and have no problem with that at all. However, I'm not clear on how to contact you as I do not know your email?
hey guys,

I have a little problem. It seems that all my hotmail has somehow gotten deleted. I lost all your emails.

Could you please resend your requests with your screen name from here included.

Originally posted by Phantom
...It seems that all my hotmail has somehow gotten deleted. I lost all your emails.
you're definitely not the first hotmail user that has happened to; and probably not the last.

personally, i'm very happy i switched to yahoo mail, some time ago.