Inverted nipples

By this point I'm going to guess most, if not all, of us have at least heard, if not experienced, the eraser sized nipples on a lot of the Chinese providers. I like them, but I understand if some of you find it a turn off.

Having said that - I just recently had my second experience in the last 6 months with a Chinese provider that had, for lack of a better phrase, an inverted nipple. Where the nipple should be is just a pucker, kind of like testicles that didn't drop. And the humorous thing about it is that both times it was only one nipple that was inverted - the other one was just fine.

The point is - I've never experienced this with anyone but 2 Asian providers. Other Asian, Caucasian or Latin providers have never displayed this oddity. Neither have the civilian women of varying ethnicities I've known over the years.

So I guess the question is - does a higher percentage of women have inverted nipples than I am aware of? Or have I managed to find the anomalies?

By this point I'm going to guess most, if not all, of us have at least heard, if not experienced, the eraser sized nipples on a lot of the Chinese providers. I like them, but I understand if some of you find it a turn off.

Having said that - I just recently had my second experience in the last 6 months with a Chinese provider that had, for lack of a better phrase, an inverted nipple. Where the nipple should be is just a pucker, kind of like testicles that didn't drop. And the humorous thing about it is that both times it was only one nipple that was inverted - the other one was just fine.

The point is - I've never experienced this with anyone but 2 Asian providers. Other Asian, Caucasian or Latin providers have never displayed this oddity. Neither have the civilian women of varying ethnicities I've known over the years.

So I guess the question is - does a higher percentage of women have inverted nipples than I am aware of? Or have I managed to find the anomalies?

My experience, very very few. Unicorns
The only one I experienced was with an Asian and only on 1 tit.
Interesting was when I sucked on it , the nipple got erect and popped out.
Her tits were A cups and she went back to China during COVID. Last year I was walking in Flushing and she came up to me and asked if I remembered her.
we had a session and alas she had bolt-ons. I do not care for bolt-ons as if I wanted to squeeze something that firm I'd buy a grapefruit and save some money by not mongering.
I had an experience many many years ago with a stripper/dancer with inverted nipples. I did spend the night trying, and successfully sucking and pulling her nipples to erection!
By this point I'm going to guess most, if not all, of us have at least heard, if not experienced, the eraser sized nipples on a lot of the Chinese providers. I like them, but I understand if some of you find it a turn off.

Having said that - I just recently had my second experience in the last 6 months with a Chinese provider that had, for lack of a better phrase, an inverted nipple. Where the nipple should be is just a pucker, kind of like testicles that didn't drop. And the humorous thing about it is that both times it was only one nipple that was inverted - the other one was just fine.

The point is - I've never experienced this with anyone but 2 Asian providers. Other Asian, Caucasian or Latin providers have never displayed this oddity. Neither have the civilian women of varying ethnicities I've known over the years.

So I guess the question is - does a higher percentage of women have inverted nipples than I am aware of? Or have I managed to find the anomalies?

I remember girl with inverted nipples. Her breast were huge and she is the horny thing I’ve ever met thinking about it. She wanted me to suck them so the sensitivity is there. I’ve never seen a girl with them since and this was in the 80s.
Vanilla spa in smithtown when it first opened many moons ago
Fat chick inverted nips
Also dated a girl with inverted nips
Not super uncommon
When I was a lifeguard as a kid, one of the other guys had one like this. He got ribbed a lot for it, good natured stuff since he could definitely beat the crap out of us. Only time I have ever seen it on any person
I dated a girl with not quite inverted nipples but very flat. When stimulated they grew to about a half inch and got very hard. She got very turned on and it was a huge turn on for me watching them grow in front of my eyes and feeling how hard they got was conformation that she was legit enjoying herself. Kinda like feeling a girl getting super wet.