By this point I'm going to guess most, if not all, of us have at least heard, if not experienced, the eraser sized nipples on a lot of the Chinese providers. I like them, but I understand if some of you find it a turn off.
Having said that - I just recently had my second experience in the last 6 months with a Chinese provider that had, for lack of a better phrase, an inverted nipple. Where the nipple should be is just a pucker, kind of like testicles that didn't drop. And the humorous thing about it is that both times it was only one nipple that was inverted - the other one was just fine.
The point is - I've never experienced this with anyone but 2 Asian providers. Other Asian, Caucasian or Latin providers have never displayed this oddity. Neither have the civilian women of varying ethnicities I've known over the years.
So I guess the question is - does a higher percentage of women have inverted nipples than I am aware of? Or have I managed to find the anomalies?
Having said that - I just recently had my second experience in the last 6 months with a Chinese provider that had, for lack of a better phrase, an inverted nipple. Where the nipple should be is just a pucker, kind of like testicles that didn't drop. And the humorous thing about it is that both times it was only one nipple that was inverted - the other one was just fine.
The point is - I've never experienced this with anyone but 2 Asian providers. Other Asian, Caucasian or Latin providers have never displayed this oddity. Neither have the civilian women of varying ethnicities I've known over the years.
So I guess the question is - does a higher percentage of women have inverted nipples than I am aware of? Or have I managed to find the anomalies?