i am on the mend SLOWLY

thank you guys for being so good about me not answering my mail....
thank you for being so good about telling everyone i was on a temp leave for couple of days.. my cheeks are pinker and my face much more cheerful and the rest of me will be in giddiup mode.. soon soon soon.. just a note of hello and bunches of hugs..
and to those of you i HAD to cancel please give me the chance to make it up to u big.. i promise.. yeas tucker this means you and billy and those other 2.. silli heads as well..
love and kisses
your faithful servant of love DAWN

Some chicken soup will help out. I'll bring it right on over (road trip from NJ to LI) and lots of it.

Oh wait, big snow storm coming in; hope we don't get snowed in together ... hmmm imagine that
<visuals hitting me now>
Actually I'll get around to visiting with you sometime soon. Just feeling my way around still while getting back into my all time FAV Hobby.

Continued speedy recovery.
Peace out
why casper....

are you flirting with me?
please bring it on.. i love a double recovery.. i get so cold in this.. snow i could use a warm fellow to tide me through it..
just sending out good vibes
giddiup and a quck look under the recovery covers says all is def. well here.. wink smile grin

dawn xxoo

[Edited by LIDAWN on 03-04-2001 at 01:13 PM]
welcome back sexy

mmmmmmmmmm nice to see and read your cheerfulness, I sure do wish you lived closer! I am so sick of snow now. I am losing my little tan marks already Dawn, Lets go away real soon!!!

Why Dawn

Yes I am flirting with you and the idea of my warm body next to yours, is making me get lots more visuals <wink>

Damn I love this board ... lol

Peace out

P.S. Unfortunately I have to make arrangements due to work and the friggin snow, so I will not be around for a few days as I need to find alternate accomodations. I will not be accessing UG (I can't risk having any non-Disney like web site logged onto the server at work), only email access, so in the highly unlikely event someone needs to drop me a line [for further flirtation sessions :)] btw no same sex flirtations! , email me from the UG email thingy.

And yes I used the word thingy (bad habit I picked up from last g/f)

[Edited by Casper on 03-04-2001 at 01:06 PM]
Oh I AM listening to Dawn, believe you me. Gotta love a woman who's not only good looking but has a sincerely wonderful, witty, sharp, <insert more complimentary adjectives here>:) personality.

Peace out
candie yes lets go

to hawaii this summer and play house with the natives i need some non tan lines ( own no suit) and a lot of hula girls to keep me warm in between the surfer dudes..
thank you for your calls to the green room for me.. i feel better but taking it slow now..
but your support through my drug induced haze certainly made it more enjoyable as always.. that di lodid was wicked stufff.. ouch! my head my toes my whole being.. but still smiling

you flirt i love it.. lets cozy up in the warmth of those thinsulate sleeping bags i just got from ll bean.. wink..
hugz my fellow cuddlers.. i will be making use of you allll

Carl M

Hanging by a thread
Re: candie yes lets go

Originally posted by LIDAWN
to hawaii this summer and play house with the natives i need some non tan lines ( own no suit) and a lot of hula girls to keep me warm in between the surfer dudes..
thank you for your calls to the green room for me.. i feel better but taking it slow now..
but your support through my drug induced haze certainly made it more enjoyable as always.. that di lodid was wicked stufff.. ouch! my head my toes my whole being.. but still smiling

Boy you are right, what ever they gave you- you were spillin your guts to me- ill never tell you what you said- but you said some rather strange things about Slinky, Ozzy and GC- but I got my mouth shut! LOL!!!