Happy Birthday Lauren form Nicole & Friends

Please Join us In wishing Laruen(the phone girl) a Happy birthday. She didn't Want to make a fuss about it but we will anyway. After you turn 30 you stop counting the years and she an't telling. So Mickey if you read this or anyone else that knows her real age. Call us or email
us Via U.G. or directly.
Niki,Viv,Elane,Franchesca, Cecilla,Margo,Alexis & Ivy
The Birthday Girl


Have a Very Happy Birthday. I would like to wish you nothing but the best on this very special day for you. Additionally, thank you for all of your wonderful hospitality when I visited Nicole's. And for introducing me to Cecilia-well how can I thank you enough for that one. Also, that tasty scotch was certainly wonderful. You are lovely and have a wonderful personality. Enjoy your day.

[Edited by RoosterC74 on 04-25-2001 at 07:41 PM]