Don't miss the 2007 UG Fundraiser Party!!

So after all this time, what was the final verdict on the Fundraiser? Was it successful? Was it a flop? Caretaker was disappointed. Slinky has disappeared from the board. Was my donation received?
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Wish I could answer you fortydog. With the removal of my tag went any traces of power that I had to discern what the fuck happened.

Not sure how you sent your donation but if you followed the instructions I'd guess it was received.

Hopefully Slinky or Caretaker will chime in here soon and shed some light on the whole situation.
Some have asked for a list of those who attended and/or contributed to be published. However, since we have no way of discerning who would not want to have thier handles on such a list, it seems indiscreet to do so. I think it is safe to assume that those who made their contribution at the door, that it was received.
I was at the party

Some have asked for a list of those who attended and/or contributed to be published. However, since we have no way of discerning who would not want to have thier handles on such a list, it seems indiscreet to do so. I think it is safe to assume that those who made their contribution at the door, that it was received.
And in truth I would like to know if it was a SUCCESSFUL fund raiser.
