Do you notify a provider that you either have exposed her or she exposed you to an infection

So the thread title is the question I have been thinking about while stuck in quarantine with COVID past week.

The current topic is COVID but should apply to any transmittable disease.

From the post I made Sunday ( ) I said that I was probably had COVID, and thus infectious to the woman I saw the day before my positive test.

I spent an inordinate amount of time (for me anyway) unsuccessfully try to get off (new for me) while in mish with one of my Flushing ladies. From what I have read I would have been infectious 2 days before symptoms started; they started the day I saw her e.g., fatigue, headache, occasional cough. I didn't think much of these symptoms as I incorrectly attributed them to a poor prior nights sleep. When symptoms became more severe, including major chills but no fever, in the evening of that day I was concerned enough to do a rapid Covid test that came out negative.
Next morning, 102 fever and classic Covid symptoms and then positive test (ya know where it says set 10 minute timer on test device with sample — well the indicator became positive in a minute or so).

I had no way of telling her.

So say I did have her #: do I have an obligation to notify her? Since pretty good probability that I had infected her and incubation period (inoculation of the virus to start of symptoms) is thought to be two to 14 days.

I saw another woman (whose # I have) 6 days prior. Should i have notified her?

And another 10 days prior — same question.

Not trying to rationalize my not notifying them, but (ah yes the famous but) they all, IMHO, most probably not have self quarantined in an abundance of caution to their customers, friends, roommates, etc. and forgo income, when they feel healthy.

This same question applies to STD's.

So what should have been done?



Reign of Terror
What's funny is that after I read your post that you had tested positive I was going to ask you if you told the girl you were with that day you had COVID when you saw her.

My answer is an emphatic yes.
No matter what the infection, COVID, hep C or any STD, if you know you exposed a provider and it is possible for you to contact her then the right thing to do is notify her immediately.

I would say you should also put it on the board but I know the majority of guys here would never admit to having an STD because they know a lot of providers, not only advertisers read these boards and can figure out who is who. So by admitting to an STD would preclude them from getting any BB services and in some cases service at all.

But it would be nice if a guy could say " hey I got Chlamydia from Lucy at xxxxx on xxxxx" be careful".
I think the answer is yes

Live by the moral treat others the way you want to be treated-

im also thinking most of the responses to your question will be a yes—

The ones who answer no, imho may be to ashamed to admit this and probably think little of themselves and other women-

( Hope you are feeling better@genius..covid appears to have resurfaced — I was down for the count a few weeks ago.. fortunately symptoms slightly worse then a bad cold )
This might explain something - took a quick walk down 40th Rd Monday afternoon around 2pm and was surprised by the complete lack of providers under the scaffolding. I just assumed that they were taking lunch or a break before the after work crowd started rolling in. Now I wonder if it spread quickly through that particular area, as it seemed all the usual girls were out across Roosey on 41 Ave.
Just pure conjecture on my part. All the girls on 40th Rd may have been busy with clients for all I know.
So the thread title is the question I have been thinking about while stuck in quarantine with COVID past week.

The current topic is COVID but should apply to any transmittable disease.

From the post I made Sunday ( ) I said that I was probably had COVID, and thus infectious to the woman I saw the day before my positive test.

I spent an inordinate amount of time (for me anyway) unsuccessfully try to get off (new for me) while in mish with one of my Flushing ladies. From what I have read I would have been infectious 2 days before symptoms started; they started the day I saw her e.g., fatigue, headache, occasional cough. I didn't think much of these symptoms as I incorrectly attributed them to a poor prior nights sleep. When symptoms became more severe, including major chills but no fever, in the evening of that day I was concerned enough to do a rapid Covid test that came out negative.
Next morning, 102 fever and classic Covid symptoms and then positive test (ya know where it says set 10 minute timer on test device with sample — well the indicator became positive in a minute or so).

I had no way of telling her.

So say I did have her #: do I have an obligation to notify her? Since pretty good probability that I had infected her and incubation period (inoculation of the virus to start of symptoms) is thought to be two to 14 days.

I saw another woman (whose # I have) 6 days prior. Should i have notified her?

And another 10 days prior — same question.

Not trying to rationalize my not notifying them, but (ah yes the famous but) they all, IMHO, most probably not have self quarantined in an abundance of caution to their customers, friends, roommates, etc. and forgo income, when they feel healthy.

This same question applies to STD's.

So what should have been done?

Yes, the correct action is you should advise them
What's funny is that after I read your post that you had tested positive I was going to ask you if you told the girl you were with that day you had COVID when you saw her.

My answer is an emphatic yes.
No matter what the infection, COVID, hep C or any STD, if you know you exposed a provider and it is possible for you to contact her then the right thing to do is notify her immediately.

I would say you should also put it on the board but I know the majority of guys here would never admit to having an STD because they know a lot of providers, not only advertisers read these boards and can figure out who is who. So by admitting to an STD would preclude them from getting any BB services and in some cases service at all.

But it would be nice if a guy could say " hey I got Chlamydia from Lucy at xxxxx on xxxxx" be careful".
100% all around. I was also wondering if he told the girl. Either way, I would let the girl know if I tested positive for anything. To me, it’s only right. If the roles were reversed, I’d want to know.
This might explain something - took a quick walk down 40th Rd Monday afternoon around 2pm and was surprised by the complete lack of providers under the scaffolding. I just assumed that they were taking lunch or a break before the after work crowd started rolling in. Now I wonder if it spread quickly through that particular area, as it seemed all the usual girls were out across Roosey on 41 Ave.
Just pure conjecture on my part. All the girls on 40th Rd may have been busy with clients for all I know.
I think your observation is consistent with "it's back!".
Anyway, will so resolve itself as if all the girls get it they may have immunity from the particular variant causing all the problem (for a while anyway.)

100% all around. I was also wondering if he told the girl. Either way, I would let the girl know if I tested positive for anything. To me, it’s only right. If the roles were reversed, I’d want to know.
I had no way of contacting her until I am better and can travel but by then it is moot.
This happened with a girl who was working for Lear in the city during 2020. Saw her (lear was open during the pandemic) and about 2 days later I got a positive COVID test. I had been given her personal number, called it and let her know. She tested positive too. I'm happy it didn't spread farther than the two of us, it was a bad strain of the virus
I have seen a girl for a while. I have always fingered her and she likes it. Once time I felt 2 small bumps inside her vagina. I told her after the session to have it checked with a dr because I never felt it before.