Cleaning that screen?

I noticed some new "screen cleaners" available to clean lcd laptop screens, pda screens etc. I'm wondering if this is overkill. For example, can't I just use a paper towel to clean my tablet or pda screen? I mean it can tolerate me poking and rubbing along with a stylus for hours at a time but a paper towel is gonna damage it? I mean some of the ads make it sound like if I rub it with a paper towel I could make the device non functional or bust it open so it leaks dangerous radiation over me or something. So the paper they're selling is that much better than my paper towels? I hear touch screens often get messed up and I don;t have an extended warrranty.

Am I gonna damage these expensive items if I use a paper towel? How do you guys clean these touch screens?
I use that microfiber cloth that comes with sunglasses. No liquid, doesn't smear, removes fingerprints, leaves no lint. Careful with paper towels, many are harsh & may scratch screen.
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homo economicus
Microfiber cloths are great, but after a while I get an accumulation of a hazy film that the cloths just sort of push around. When that happens, I'll usually add a squirt or so of Windex before wiping. Some people claim that this will hurt the screen, but I haven't really noticed any problems after a decade of using it to clean various screens. Of course, we're talking a squirt every four to six months.

How aggressively you can clean is probably a function of how frequently you plan on doing it and how long you plan on having the device.

But Rufftoy is indeed correct about being careful with even slightly abrasive surfaces as they can cause etching that will leave your screen permanently cloudy.
I carry the wipes with me for convenience - all I have to do is take one out and clean. (I'm a laptop user) When I'm home I use paper towels and this invisible glass cleaner. All you have to do is avoid spraying the stuff right on the screen. Spray it on the paper instead.
I only use a microfiber cloth for my HDTV & laptop. With my cell phone, PDA, etc. I usually need to clean it on the go, so my t-shirt or a tissue will do the trick.
.....I'll usually add a squirt or so of Windex before wiping. Some people claim that this will hurt the screen,...
You, of course, squirt the Windex on the cloth and not the screen. I use eyeglass lens cleaner that I buy at Target and a soft cotton cloth (piece of an old cotton tee shirt). The bottle cost about 2 bucks and lasts about 2 years.
PS. I find that Windex n glass leaves streaks - my cleaning lady only uses Cinch glass cleaner (made by Spic % Span and not carried in most stores) that leaves no streaks.
You, of course, squirt the Windex on the cloth and not the screen. I use eyeglass lens cleaner that I buy at Target and a soft cotton cloth (piece of an old cotton tee shirt). The bottle cost about 2 bucks and lasts about 2 years.
I do the same thing, except instead of using a tee shirt, I'll use those cleaning cloths and lens cleaner from lenscrafters. little more expensive, but I also use it for my eyeglasses.


homo economicus
Right right, spray onto the "cloth", not the electronics...

Years ago my dad taught me to use newsprint whenever he had me wash his car. It's cheap as free and has never streaked for me. I still use it on big surfaces...
I use just a bit of water on a bounty towel to sort of mildly whip it gently to disloge the dirt. Then I use a cloth towel to clean it. I heard that a cloth towel is better then a paper towel. Apparently paper towels could scratch the displays.

Then again, I use screen protectors on most of my smaller devices...