Brothel Murder Solved

December 13, 2002 -- A 45-year-old woman is being held in the murder of a Manhattan ad executive inside a Midtown brothel two months ago, police said.
Carla Elechensen was charged late Wednesday with taking part in the stabbing death of Gerard Land, 50, inside a seventh-floor apartment at 123 W. 44th St. on Oct. 25.
Cops are still looking for the man who actually stabbed Land.
But law-enforcement officials said Elechensen "set up" the robbery at the brothel that ended in his death. They declined to detail her role. She has since been booked on charges of attempted robbery and aggravated harassment.
On the evening of the murder, Land joined six women who worked there. An intruder posing as a deliveryman struggled with Land before fatally stabbing him.
Philip Messing
My theory

Guy's a regular. Calls madame, sets up appt with multi girls. From previous exp. madame knows guy carries large sums of cash, maybe other valuables. Calls killer, tells him john w/ $$$$$ is coming in at appointment time. Killer is nearby at appt time and madame calls him to come and rob guy when most vulnerable, split $$$$$. Robbery goes bad, maybe victim fought back, maybe more than killer expected. Dead john.
or the Butler!

What I am getting at is that it was certainly an inside job against a specific client. I dont beleve that this was a random act.
Without a doubt it was an inside job. No question. The comments indicated the boss was culprit, but the owner, Nina, was one of the best ladies in the business. Anyone who knows her will concur. I just come to her defense, like the numerous "Julie shills" (et. al.) would do as well.
So I guess the guy who first opined on this board that it had to be an inside job (i.e., ME) wasn't so crazy after all.

Now maybe y'all will believe me when I tell you Wlad Klitschko KO's Lennox Lewis if they ever meet.
Better look out, all you wannabe high-rollers who like to do the "big-shot" thing when you're at an incall. You're just making your self a target.

As Biggie Smalls said in: "10 Crack Commandments":

"Never let nobody know
how much dough
you hold
Cause even your moms'll stick that ass up
properly gassed up"
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Thinks he's Caesar's Wife
Originally posted by stranger
So I guess the guy who first opined on this board that it had to be an inside job (i.e., ME) wasn't so crazy after all.

Now maybe y'all will believe me when I tell you Wlad Klitschko KO's Lennox Lewis if they ever meet.
Did the phone girl set up Lewis too?
I think maybe you guys are reading into this too much. The article does not say that the john was the target for the robbery. Could have been a robbery of the house where the john was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
If it was an inside job directed at that client, why rob him there?
Why not before he shows up or after leaving (I guess he is a little lighter then). Less attention on you.

But then again, if you answer phones in a whorehouse for a living, you might not be the most careful and creative criminal.
Originally posted by aceofclubs26
I think maybe you guys are reading into this too much. The article does not say that the john was the target for the robbery. Could have been a robbery of the house where the john was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Okay, let me break it down for you guys one more time:

1 - The john was not a target. The place was hit at the end of the day shift, when the house and the girls would be at "maximum liquidity," so to speak.

2 - What's significant is that the victim was the only male present at the time. If there had been at least two clients, they could have worked in tandem to overpower and disarm the scrawny, cowardly, knife-wielding punk. Obviously, this circumstance was not a coincidence. Obviously, the perp knew beforehand that he had only one unarmed man to worry about. And obviously, he was fed that info by somebody "inside."

This was not an ingenious crime, folks. There's every likelihood that knife-boy will be celebrating Christmas behind bars.