Best Real Estate related websites

I mentioned in the bubble thread. I was wondering if there are any great sites that anyone frequents to keep up with their real estate news, data, etc. I also like the acris feature in the new york city website and

For the investors out there, I sometimes visit I don't give this one a total recommendation because there are a lot of followers at that site that think Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Allen and all those other infomercial crazies are experts in real estate.
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This is probably one of the best designed and uses a lot of Web 2.0 features well, including it's mapping feature and community.
I usually like to read Fun reading... I'll check out the current sites that have listed above. Who knows, I might be able to afford something in 3-5 years.... But before then... It's more mongering if I can afford it.

i was hooked on curbed for a lil bit i still visit frequently.

i also like matrix, urbandigs, the real deal, hot property business week online and true gotham.

what are good sites with listings besides property shark, trulia and street easy?